The "Amiganess" of Buffee

There seems to be a bit of confusion with Buffee and perhaps that's my fault. My father's favourite saying is, "a word to the wise should suffice" and to me, that always meant be terse and to the point and people should figure it out. I've mastered the art of being terse to the point of sometimes not saying much at all – so I'll say it here, loud and clear – the Buffee supports everything your Amiga can do right now.

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Performance Series Part 1 -- Why is PJIT Fast?

This is the first part is a three part series that will be doing a bit of a deeper dive into the mechanics of PJIT in contrast to existing emulation technologies. Part two will be "Why is PJIT Slow" and will compare PJIT to bleeding edge 68K JIT engines like Emu68 and UAE. Part three will be "Why is PJIT Quicker" and will explain the overhead of JIT and why PJIT doesn't have this problem.

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Nearing Production

Well, have to admit, I had missed a lot of minor design issues, but now that we've gone through the complete checklist and have finished our first professional review cycle, I can confidently say we're very near getting our first boards made. I even managed to shrink the board a little bit so that it fits precisely into a 64 DIP socket with zero overhang! A quick run down of all the major bits:

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What a difference a year makes...

I have to admit, I was getting close to full burnout, but the Yuletide break has managed to give me a little more energy than I had before and I've had a pretty productive couple of weeks.

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